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Lunch & Learn | Movement Theory | Topic: Do everything.


Lunch & Learn | Movement Theory

Fridays 1:30pm-3pm PST

May 1st: Why it’s important to do everything.

It’s the year 2020 and we have divided up movement into countless amounts of categories, disciplines and expressions. Many of us began “officially” moving with team sports early on, being a part of a soccer team, basketball team, and very many of us found our expression in an independent training method like dance, running or gymnastics. 

Each of the movement modalities have a plethora of studies on why it can be most beneficial in getting you to reach your goals while enhancing your life as a whole. How do you choose how to move?! So many options, so many studios, gym, and so many instagram workout videos!!!

But what if the best way to move was to DO IT ALL. Treat it like an experiment. Find out what works for you, take control of your life and learn how to effectively incorporate the different modalities of movement in your life in a way that you get the result you want, increase your strength and mobility, AND train sustainably for your long-term health.

But.. WHERE DO I BEGIN? That’s what we are going to break down for you during this Lunch & Learn. Sucha Kumar, founder of Live Blissed has been practicing yoga, while incorporating multiple other disciplines including resistance + weight training, dance, calisthenics, martial arts, primal movement, cycling, + more for 15+ years. She will be breaking down the science from various case studies behind mixed movement methods, and provide you the tools to take control of your goals to find a way to move better, more efficiently, and sustain your long-term health.

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